Hi, there! This podcast has thousands of regular listeners who are passionate about the new economy of funding, making, and distributing stuff, both physical and electronic. They’re looking for help in all those areas, which can include software tools, Web apps and services, and ways to make one or 1,000 multiples of something.
If your company fits that bill, consider becoming a sponor. Sponsors get a “host read” during the show, in which I write the ad copy from your details and, typically, test out the product or service so I’m familiar with it before I talk about it. You’re mentioned with a link on the podcast Web site, in Twitter, on App.net, and on our Facebook page. Plus, you earn undying gratitude.
For more information, contact Lex Friedman at Podlexing. He can talk to you about rates, dates, and details.
And now back to the podcast…