The XOXO conference and festival was last Thursday to Sunday, and I’m still exhausted (and suffering from a conference cold) the following Wednesday. It was another exhilarating year — even better than last year.
The New Disruptors was an outgrowth of XOXO 2012: my attempt to capture in a weekly podcast some of the magic of what Andy Baio and Andy McMillan put together in having artists, makers, producers, programmers, and others tell the stories about how they took their work in their own hands.
The day before XOXO, September 18th, we had a live event that was a hoot, and we’re seeing if we can pull enough audio out of it to make a standalone podcast that will be interesting if you weren’t there. We had music, comedy, and three interviews, and a lot of conversation. You can see pictures of our event and of XOXO.
Special thanks to Alison Hallett, Christa Mrgan, Michael Warner, and Brittany Shoot for their various major parts in making this a fantastic evening; to Scott Simpson for his comedy; to guests Dylan Meconis, Elly Blue, and Andrew Sloane for subjecting themselves to an interview; and to Ford Food & Drink for graciously hosting us. Thanks to everyone who came. The audience was warmly receptive and a bunch of great talkers, too.
Thursday to Sunday was a non-stop series of mixing and listening and learning at XOXO. I got to meet a lot of listeners at the shindig and at XOXO, and I was glad to get your feedback and attach faces to people who I speak to out of the ether! We’ll definitely do that again. (I recorded a few interviews there that we’ll definitely air.)
There is a strong overlap between guests on this podcast and speakers and attendees at XOXO: we want to make things (real and digital), often collaborate, and share the results with others.
Here’s a list of speakers and attendees from this year’s event and in which podcast episode you can find them:
- Chris Anderson (2013 keynote), head of 3DRobotics and former editor in chief of Wired magazine. Episode 2: Come Fly with Me, Let’s Fly, Let’s Fly Away.
- Stephan Ango (2013 attendee). Episode 11: Expose Yourself to Art (with his business partner, Jesse Genet).
- Marco Arment (2013 speaker), creator of Instapaper and Tumblr employee #1 (and my former boss). Episode 20: So Successful He Fired Himself (Part 1) and Episode 23: Give Me Something to Read (Part 2).
- Andy Baio and Andy McMillan (the organizers). Episode 28: Hugs and Kisses from Portland.
- Dalton Caldwell (2013 attendee), head of App.net. Episode 13: No-Host Bar Dot Net.
- Jack Conte (2013 speaker), half of Pomlamoose, a solo artist, and founder of subscription-patronage service Patreon. Episode 39: Pompla Up the Volume.
- Jim Coudal (2013 attendee) of Coudal Partners and co-creator of Field Notes. Episode 7: Any Color But Purple.
- Jonathan Coulton (2013 speaker), the Internet’s Jonathan Coulton: a
singer/songwriter who likes to be thought of as just a “musician” not an
“Internet musician.” We spoke in Episode 16: Baby Got Back Catalog, and again, about a comic-book project with Greg Pak in Episode 25: Save the Kickstarter, Save the World! - Duncan Davidson and Greg Koenig (2012 and 2013 attendees), creators of camera straps at Luma Labs. Episode 19: The Straphangers Association.
- Mark Frauenfelder, Cory Doctorow, David Pescovitz, and Xeni Jardin, the
editors of Boing Boing (2013 guests, interviewed by yours truly). I
spoke to Mark in Episode 5: Maker Love, Not Bore, and Cory in Episode 24: Cory Doctorow Sews up the Analog Hole. - John Gruber (2013 attendee), the fellow behind the Apple analysis site, Daring Fireball. Episode 14: No Kind of Work for a Grown Man.
- Adam Lisagor (2013 attendee), filmmaker of tiny wonderful advertising movies. Episode 35: Outstanding in His Depth of Field.
- David Malki (2013 attendee), the cartoonist behind Wondermark , and one of the editors of Machine of Death and This Is How You Die . Episode 36: Machine of Breadth.
- Erika Moen (2013 speaker), the cartoonist creator of Oh Joy Sex Toy! Episode 34: Do Toy with My Affections.
- Lisanne Pajot and James Swirsky (2012 speakers, 2013 attendees), the creators of Indie Game: The Movie . Episode 1: Pac-Man Fever.
- Dan Provost and Tom Gerhardt (2012 speakers and 2013 attendees), creators of the Glif tripod adaptor and several other Kickstarter design and software projects. Episode 26: Living in the Back It Bracket.
- Evan Ratliff (2012 speaker, 2013 attendee), co-founder, CEO, and editor of the Atavist. Episode 4: Long Stories Still Told.
- Max Temkin (2013 speaker), one of the creators of Cards Against Humanity
and Werewolf. Episode 27: The Glass Bead Game. - Tonx (2013 attendee), a maker of subscription coffee and other thoughts. Episode 3: Good from the First Drop.