Failing Upward with Greg Knauss (Episode 63)


    Photo: Adam Mathes   Greg Knauss is an independent software developer who created Romantimatic, a reminder program for absent-minded sweethearts. You may know him from the early 2000s: from and Metababy and Rainy Day Fun and Games for Toddler and Total Bastard, a collection of stories he promoted on what was arguably… Continue reading Failing Upward with Greg Knauss (Episode 63)

Retooling Cool with Kevin Kelly (Episode 62)


Kevin Kelly’s Cool Tools re-imagines the Whole Earth Catalog, of which he was an editor and publisher, for the Internet era: crowdsourced, crowdmade, crowdmanaged. He’s been on the Internet for as long as there’s been an Internet for all us to get on. He was part of the founding team of Wired magazine, and the… Continue reading Retooling Cool with Kevin Kelly (Episode 62)

Backerkit to the Future with Maxwell Salzberg (Episode 60)


    Maxwell Salzberg of Backerkit knows what it’s like to have a lot of people giving him money who want something in return: he and three colleagues created the Diaspora project, one of Kickstarter’s early blockbusters. He co-founded BackerKit with Rosanna Yau to help people with the problem of managing crowdfunding backers’ responses and… Continue reading Backerkit to the Future with Maxwell Salzberg (Episode 60)

Shell Game with Dan Shapiro (Episode 59)


    Dan Shapiro with a premium sheet of game pieces.   Dan Shapiro created the game Robot Turtles out of scissors, clip art, and a printer to offer asymmetric play: kids and adults can play together and both can enjoy the experience. He brought it to Kickstarter to sell a few hundred copies, and… Continue reading Shell Game with Dan Shapiro (Episode 59)

Gaze Deeply into My Crowdfunding Navel with Guest Glenn Fleishman (Episode 58)


Guest host Jason Snell talks to regular host Glenn Fleishman about Glenn’s recent Kickstarter campaign to fund a book of non-fiction articles from The Magazine. Jason, host of The Incomparable and an editorial director at a major magazine firm, quizzes Glenn about failure, success, fulfillment (product and otherwise), and the reason we solicit funds from… Continue reading Gaze Deeply into My Crowdfunding Navel with Guest Glenn Fleishman (Episode 58)

Through a Glass Brightly with Abhi Lokesh (Episode 57)


Take a picture and put it under glass, but not quite the way you think. The folks at Fracture have a built a business that connects several different technologies into one new way to make large-format photos printed on glass suitable for hanging. Today I talk to Abhi Lokesh, one of Fracture’s founders, about the… Continue reading Through a Glass Brightly with Abhi Lokesh (Episode 57)

Doubling Down with Amelia Greenhall (Episode 56)


      Amelia Greenhall.     Double Union is a new community workshop in San Francisco designed for women, and intended to provide a comfortable, welcoming environment to make things. In this podcast, I visit the pre-renovation space with Amelia Greenhall, one of the people who helped create the non-profit organization. She explains why… Continue reading Doubling Down with Amelia Greenhall (Episode 56)

The Zine Machine Lives: Boing Boing at XOXO (Episode 55)


In September 2013, I interviewed at the XOXO conference and festival the four lead editors of Boing Boing, an online, thriving descendent of zine culture that is one of the most popular blogs on the Internet. For the day after Christmas, it seems appropriate to celebrate generosity and gift culture with Mark Frauenfelder, David Pescovitz,… Continue reading The Zine Machine Lives: Boing Boing at XOXO (Episode 55)

Wait a Cotton-Picking Minute with Jay Fanelli and Nathan Peretic (Episode 54)


Jay Fanelli and Nathan Peretic know how to go it on their own. They’ve done it not just once, not just twice, but now three times. They formed the interactive-services company Full Stop Interactive, out of which United Pixelworkers was formed, a company that produces fine wearable merchandise. And United Pixelworkers gave birth to Cotton… Continue reading Wait a Cotton-Picking Minute with Jay Fanelli and Nathan Peretic (Episode 54)

A Year of Living Disruptively with Guests from Early Episodes (53)

The New Disruptors launched on December 5, 2012. I wanted to talk to people making stuff, creating art, or helping others get their work out there. The show is now at episode 53, and it’s been a delightful year. I wanted to look back at early guests, and was able to get the folks who… Continue reading A Year of Living Disruptively with Guests from Early Episodes (53)